social media
scientific publications
I am a published news and feature article journalist.
Recent articles include:
SA scientists concerned as marine taxonomists become increasingly endangered species
Published in The Daily Maverick, June 2023.
Telling biodiversity’s story – 1,001 magnificent species of the seaforest
Published in The Daily Maverick, December 2022.
View my full writing portfolio
I use my own personal Instagram account to share my love for and fascination with biology, ecology
and nature.
was my pandemic side-project.
Quirky, silly and fun, this account explored the weird and wonderful of the natural world.
of My Octopus Teacher fame is one of my clients. I write science-based posts about the beauty of biodiversity and human-nature connection for their account.
Co-author. 2018. Challenges and emerging solutions to the land-based plastic waste issue in Africa. Marine Policy. 96:256-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2017.10.041
Co-author. 2019. Chapter 8: Ecosystem Protection Level. In: South African National Biodiversity Assessment 2018 Technical Report Volume 4: Marine Realm. SANBI, Pretoria, SA. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12143/6372
Co-author. 2020. African Marine Litter Monitoring Manual. Barnardo T & Ribbink AJ (Eds.). African Marine Waste Network. PE, SA.